Our Ministry

FlagsSpain has 47 million people with 4 major language groups. Many cities and towns do not have an evangelical witness and only 0.15 percent of the people in Spain are Evangelical Believers. This is why the work that Rafael and Mary Restrepo do as missionaries is so important.

First ConvertBaptismIn Spain, the Restrepos ministry began in Barcelona from 1989-1995. A church was Indigenized and left to the care of a national Pastor. Once in Murcia, the “Christian Assembly” church began in 1997 when the first Spaniard came to Christ. In January of 2001, a store front was rented.

Today, this church averages over 100 in attendance and moved into a new larger hall in the summer of 2012. We praise God for working in our midst. Since 2007, Dimas Alvarez has been pastoring at the Christian Assembly church in Murcia.

CongregationThe Murcia church birthed a daughter church in the city of Torrevieja in 2004, the International Christian Assembly. This ministry is reaching out to the large international community that numbers over 70,000 in this city. The Church is comprised of 3 congregations: One is made up of English speakers, one of Dutch speakers and one of Spanish speaker. Each has its own national Pastor. Jan Visser is the Dutch Pastor and Carlos Guzman is the Spanish Pastor. Presently, Rafael cares for the English congregation.

Church Window Signs
Carlos and Jan
Slavery XXI

The challenge is reaching out to almost 200 different nationalities that reside within a 5 mile radius. Please pray for this ministry. The immediate need is for a national pastor to take over the English speaking congregation. We are also asking God to send us a Music minister who can serve both the Spanish and English congregations.

Very Sensitive work… The rescuing of individuals from modern day Slavery, dangerous but fulfilling.

Kids Class
Kids Singing
Congregation Singing