The Challenge

Flag MapWhether from Africa, Eastern Europe, South America, Asia or Northern Europe… They come, they come to Spain, immigrants come for economic reasons and others come to find the warm sun. In our churches we have both groups. We minister to the immigrant who is financially desperate and the comfortable retiree. Together with the Spanish nationals many find Christ and learn to worship the living God.


  • The selection of leadership to lead the International Church in Torrevieja into their future.
  • The care and nurturing of the two new works that have been birth by the Torrevieja church.
  • The ongoing missionary work that our churches have been doing since 2001. First into Cuba then North Africa. In 2010 we sent our first fissionaries to Bolivia, Rene and Jenny Cuellar, and now we are reaching into Nicaragua. We seek to strengthen the church and enable believers to do the work of the ministry.
  • Our newest challenge is the furtherance in Theological education in places that education is expensive or hard to find.
  • Reaching the victims of modern-day slavery.

If you would like more information on these ministries or would like to get involved with these projects please see details below.


IN SPAIN with… Literature funds for Bibles, Tracts and books in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. Transportation funds for crossing into North Africa, Cuba and Bolivia.


  • Through Prayer… The Spirit’s empowerment and direction in ministry. Please pray that they will continue to “Speak the Word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:31) Also, please pray that their ministry will bear fruit that will remain. (John 15:16)
  • In Spain you can help with… Literature, Church equipment and Building Fund.
  • Other Mission Outpost. Helping in the expenses of reaching these places. Praying for safety as we make contact with believers in all Arab Lands.
  • National Pastors. The need to raise financial support for Pastor Carlos Guzman in Spain and Rene and Jenny in Bolivia.
The Challenge
Carlos Guzman
Church Interior

If you feel led to be a part of God’s work in Spain, Cuba, Bolivia or North Africa, please contact the Restrepos.

To pledge to a project or financially support the Restrepos, please contact their mission board AMG International at the address below.

 AMG International
6815 Shallowford Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37421


Rene and Jenny
Bolivia Church